To seasoned runners or those who run regularly, 5km is probably chump change in distance compared to the minimum 10km runs and above. But for someone like me who had never deemed to run more than 100 metres unless absolutely necessary (e.g. being chased by someone or catching the bus. Fingers crossed I don’t need to do the former) and who had her arse permanently planted to something soft, it was like running a bloody marathon.
Now that my first 5km run is done and dusted, I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve learned about going from zero (by zero I mean leaving-arse-prints-on-couch sort of thing) to actually running running a 5km race. The whole process has changed the way I live my life and I’m so grateful for it. If you’ve led a sedentary lifestyle for years but would like to get off your bum and try this running thing, here are some tips I learned along the way. It’s really not as hard as I thought it would be.