Thank Lordy Megan Fox Ain’t Perfect After All

I don’t need to remind you of how hot men find Megan Fox. I was just catching up on the first installment of Transformers (I’ve actually never watched the movie) before the hubs and I watch Transformers 2 next week. I mean, heck even I was turned on looking at that body. Girl crush, anyone?

20090625 Megan Fox 2

Before watching the movie, I remembered seeing her on covers of magazines, and obviously hating her at the same time because she looked so damn good. Perfect skin, perfect body *grumble*

Until a couple of days ago, when I saw her face close up a few times on the DVD.

Megan Fox has acne scars!

20090625 Megan Fox 1

Not pimples, mind you, but scars. If you don’t believe me, go watch the DVD and pay close attention to her. You’ll see a LOT of her close-up (yeah, figures).

Sigh, I know, so shallow of me to pick on that. I still think she’s hot; yet, it’s gratifying somewhat to know that the airbrushed-sex-on-legs-celebrity suffers skin problems like us too 😛

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31 comments… add one
  1. ParisB

    Huzzah! She’s human! 🙂

  2. ani

    I’m a ninja blog reader and rarely leave comments however I wanted to thank you for giving normal gals (like me) hope! lol…even though my bf tells me I’m beautiful and it does seem shallow, knowing that Megan Fox suffers from skin problems too remind me that no one is perfect and I should be happy with what I have. Thanks again!!

  3. fuz

    Hahaha she looks angry about her pimples… 😛

  4. Jenn

    Ahahaha thanks for this post Tine!! 😀 Glad to know that celebs have their own share of imperfections too!

  5. Eli

    I am tickled that you put up the Jessica Rabbit pic of Megan Fox lifting the car hood. 3/4s of my guy friends had it on their desktops after Transformers 1. Even I was tempted to put it on mine.

    Acne scars, phew. I don’t feel so bad about my skin now.

  6. Nikki

    GREAT and ego boosting post to regular ladies like us!!! hahaha gosh, we really can’t believe everything’s on glossies, yay, she’s human! lol

  7. Ida

    she does have acne scars…never saw that before. well, it does make me feel better heehee…

  8. acsmvtak

    Megan Fox WAS a man…how true is this?
    And yeah, her/his skin do look pretty rough…

  9. Hari

    lol well no one is perfect and everything in the mags are airbrushed. She is quite hot tho.

  10. Connie

    hehe. I’d still like to have a go at her :p but I realize that I like her character in Transformers (I can’t spell the name). more sexy. real life she seems too pompous and um… drag.

  11. Traclyn Yeoh

    Nobody is perfect. I have more than her :P. Worse still…

  12. Annoyed

    you girls are hopeless, idiots and pathetic….

    cheering for someone’s imperfection??? doesn’t get any insecure and stupid than that….

    plus, you girls spend alot of money on make up….just to look….rather plain….not pretty still….sorry….

    better spend the money on food….seriously…..

  13. Tine

    Annoyed: Who died and made you the owner of the blog? Leave us be with what we love and go play far far away. Thank you. Goodbye.

  14. prettybeautiful

    phew, i feel like a human being now. lol.

    Annoyed: errrrr if we eat, it becomes shit anyway. then whats the purpose of spending so much on food?

  15. Jill

    ^ You can’t be serious. If you’re going to feed the least make it a good argument..

  16. anna89

    yeah, i second you, Jill….i’m sorry prettybeautiful, your argument really puts us all in shame….

  17. geekchic

    Wei, if it makes you feel even better, saw an article (don’t have URL,read it off my mobile) saying Megan Fox (or was it Megan Gale, face of DJ?) was ranked one of the ditziest and most bimbo-tic *giggles*

  18. geekchic

    Oh and another note to Annoyed: It’s seriously a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Does it make you feel better now that you’ve told us how plain we look? Good for you! Glad something has made your day!

    If this type of blogging ain’t your cup of tea, why are you here to begin with? If you have something constructive to say, leave your proper name with a proper email and a proper URL and we can have a discussion like adults. Otherwise, kids ain’t welcome to this playground. Bugger off and good riddance!

  19. Jess

    Puhh… so relieved to hear that, haha… 😉
    Yeah, nobody is perfect, but flaws makes us unique, not?

  20. Connie

    Annoyed: ah well, we’re all just jealous and try to comfort ourselves by putting others down. Some day we’ll have plastic surgeries to look just like Megan Fox then ultimately take over the world! Mean time, we make do with makeup and looking plain. eating doesn’t get us that much closer to getting Megan Fox’s body so we’d rather not spend money on that!

    stop contradicting yourself and go far far away. shooh! shooh!

  21. Tiffany

    yeah, she has some blemishes in that picture. But at other times her skin is a lot more smooth. So I’m guessing it was around that time of the month for her. And big deal, she has some zits! Everyone gets them once in a while! Give the girl a break! She is still absolutely stunning, zits or not!

  22. janet

    Since Sharon Stone, Andie Mcdowell and Carmen electra, I haven’t turned my head to stare at a woman. But when I saw megan for the first time I was amazed. And she doesn’t seem stuck up or anything in her interviews. But whoever said she was dingie or bimboie I have to agree with. She does seem that way. Or it might be that she is surprised that people think so highly of her looks and she actually see’s herself everyday in the mirror w/out makeup. It really does sux to have acne or acne scars. But she is still stunning.

  23. Markus Kemp

    Really, it’s the same with ALL celebs that look PERFECT on screen. People just don’t look like that in real life. Hollywood goes out of its way to make them look as perfect as humanly possible, and they’re very good at it. But sooner or later, people find out that is really just another human being with all the flaws that come with being a human. Often times they don’t even really look all that great in real life, to the point where you can go out on the street and have a good chance at seeing plenty of non-celebrity girls that are much more genuinely beautiful than those artificial Hollywood dolls.

  24. LT

    She just doesn’t look that pretty that close.

  25. James

    I would not call them acne scars; surely, her sometimes imperfect skin can be “perfect” and treated. And, Markus Kemp, there are people who do look “perfect” in real life. Obviously, Megan Fox looks perfect enough in real life…or else her looks would have been bagged on by “insiders” far too much by now.

  26. James

    Also, LT, she may not look that pretty that close in this picture, but she does in other pictures and in plenty of television interviews (where they zoom in on her face). In some of those, she is without these so-called acne scars.

  27. jigga

    She had plastic surgery its obvious slimmer nose fuller lips and botox…im no longer impressed with her paid for beauty!

  28. taylor

    she is wayy overrated and too slutty i dont see why people like her so much…i think shes ugly and looks too plastic

  29. lol

    Insecure envious bitches. Thats all I can think of right now. Megan Fox is hot with or without those scars

  30. Jonny Gunns

    who cares!

    at the end of the day even with some acne scars she’s still Hotter than most people out there and lets face it most guy’s or gal’s wouldnt have a chance anyways.

    get over it and move on with your life or become a celebrity… the choice is yours!

  31. ZEXTA

    I do still think she is so beautiful and whom of u look flawless on all your photos….. we all get a zit or two or three so what! All just human….

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