I often get questions via email about products for sensitive skin and what ingredients to avoid. Now even though I get the occasional bouts of sensitivity on my cheeks and flare-ups, I don’t actually have sensitive skin. My skin can take chemical peels, microdermabrasion and heat treatment to a certain extend without any issues at [...]
Guest Post: Bags, Bags, Bags! (Part 2)
Note: My apologies for the lateness of this post. It was supposed to be up ages ago. Blame it on my brain farts :P Ahh the Hermes Birkin. Something so unattainable, but so beautiful. I’ve been lusting after a Birkin ever since I found out about it in 2002. I was a poor student then. [...]
Guest Post: Bags, Bags, Bags! (Part 1)
Being a bag junkie, even the subject itself sets my heart a-flutter. The love of bags was born when my mum gave me my very first leather handbag when I was 12 (a green and brown Bonia. In hindsight, it looked a bit “auntie”, but then again, it was my first leather piece, and I [...]