Do You Clip It? Or Do You File It?

Do You Clip It? Or Do You File It?

Straight up, I’m not a fan of nail filing. Never have been, probably never will be. Right, that’s the blog post done then, eh? No? Damn. :P Nail experts will be screaming their heads off when they read this because most if not all of them say that it’s better to file your nails than [...]

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Five Exact Copies of Jeans? Oh Why Not?

Five Exact Copies of Jeans? Oh Why Not?

My clothing choices have changed a lot over the years. Before I moved to Australia, I was often seen in colourful T-shirts with logos, colourful skirts and jeans. While I’m still living in jeans, gone are those colourful T-shirts. They’ve been replaced with dark colours like black, charcoal, grey and blue. Black is, after all, [...]

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Alpha Keri Goodies Giveaway!

Alpha Keri Goodies Giveaway!

THE GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED. THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING! I’m sure you’ve noticed this but in case you didn’t, pharmacies here in Australia has two different sections for the fancy-smelling body products and for the, erm, rather boring-looking ones. You’ll be hard-pressed to find Cetaphil stocked next to Dove or Palmolive. Brands like Cetaphil, Alpha [...]

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