© iv22 As you know, a lot of my blog post ideas come about when I’m going through my beauty stash and doing a bout of decluttering (side note to bloggers: it’s a great way to come up with blog post ideas. Give it a go! :P ). This time, as I was sorting out [...]
MonoDerma MonoDermoDose: Good Serums in Sealed Pods? Yes Please!
When it comes to packing for traveling, one of the problems I have when packing skincare is decanting serums. When skincare products are packaged in open jars, transparent bottles or even decanted to tiny open jars, they run the risk of reducing the efficacy of the ingredients when they’re exposed to air. As much as [...]
Estée Lauder Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening UV Protector SPF50: A Sunscreen That Harnesses Your Day And Night Rhythm. Er, Say What?
If you’re wondering if Crescent White is another whitening/brightening range from Estée Lauder, it’s actually a replacement of the previously-known range, Cyber White. This range is formulated in Asia and targets Asian skin, but really, anyone can use this range, just like the previous Cyber White range. The idea behind the Crescent White range is [...]
How Do You Chill Out After A Long Day?
Because she’s had such a long day, what with her schedule of sleep, eat, walk and then sleep some more Burning the midnight oil to meet deadlines, troubleshooting technical issues on websites, working on the blog all day … well, all these can contribute to a long day for me even though I’m working from [...]
Beautyholics Anonymous Annual Reader Survey 2015 (Plus A Little Something For You!)
THE SURVEY AND GIVEAWAY ARE NOW CLOSED. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR PARTICIPATING! It’s survey time, folks! For the past couple of years, I’ve been running an Annual Reader Survey on the blog for all you lovely readers to tell me all about you and what you’d love to see more or less on BA. [...]