Selfie-ing with Mum, my brother and cousin Stella If you’re wondering why this blog post isn’t out at its usual time, it’s because for the first time in goodness-knows-how-long, I’m not scheduling this post to publish but actually blogging on the fly. I haven’t done this in ages so do excuse any typos or grammatical [...]
Tim Talks: When Counting Sheep Just Doesn’t Cut It
A note from Tine: Welcome to another edition of Tim Talks! For those who are new to Beautyholics Anonymous, Tim Talks is a new series on the blog where my husband, Tim, will be sharing his knowledge to help raise mental health awareness. Tim is a psychiatrist who works in metro Melbourne. His area of [...]
How To Style The White Blazer
Note from Tine: Norlin is my “emergency” stylist. She has great style, which I really like, and I often go to her pleas of “how the heck to I style this item of clothing that I need to wear next week?? Help! Ideas please!”. The idea of styling a white blazer came when I picked [...]
Bloggie Wednesday: Tips For A Great Head Shot For Your Blog
Note from Tine: When it came to deciding on who to ask to do a Bloggie Wednesday guest post, I immediately thought of Yishan. Even though she no longer blogs at Beauty Swatch, which was a successful beauty blog, she has a great amount of knowledge when it comes to blogging. She’s now blogging about [...]
6 Things You Must Do To Prepare You For A Pap Smear
Note from Tine: Today’s guest post is by Ling who blogs at The Best Beauty Blog. I blogged a gentle reminder on making an appointment for a pap smear last year during the Cervical Cancer Awareness Week (if you haven’t made the appointment already, stop reading this, pick up the phone and do it NOW). [...]