Note from Tine: Today’s guest post is by Ling who blogs at The Best Beauty Blog. I blogged a gentle reminder on making an appointment for a pap smear last year during the Cervical Cancer Awareness Week (if you haven’t made the appointment already, stop reading this, pick up the phone and do it NOW). This is very important for women, especially if you’re sexually active. What I didn’t know is that there are some things that you can do to prepare yourself for pap smears. I can’t think of a better person to tell you about than Ling. I wish I knew all these earlier; they would have made my pap smear appointments more comfortable and less awkward.
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There are 3 incidences where women will cross their legs :-
1. After hearing a traumatic childbirth story { here’s mine! }
2. When they are pissed off and they’re not afraid to show it { note : arms will be folded too for maximum effect! }
3. When they’re sitting in the waiting room awaiting their turn for a pap smear
Love Hate them or hate them, pap smears are vital in early detection of cervical cancer.
All sexually activated (i.e. who have started having sex) women aged between 18 and 70 years should have a pap smear every 2 years.
Here are 6 things you should do to prepare you for a pap smear :-
1. Book a suitable date
No, don’t book one for next year if you need one this year! Do it ASAP!
To ensure you have a satisfactory sample for testing, it’s best to have a pap smear a few days after you’ve had your period and up to a week before the next one is due.
2. Get rid of that jungle
Whether you wax it, trim it, shave it or pluck it, just do what you gotta do before you spread your legs akimbo because you don’t want them to be digging around for the entrance – you know what I’m saying?!
3. Stop having sex 2 days prior to your appointment
Sex can alter cervical cells and can make pap smears have inconclusive results. This is an extremely valid excuse so feel free to use this instead of the usual, “Not tonight honey, I have a headache!”
4. Release any sexual tension beforehand …
…unless you get turned on by the speculum and want to do a Meg Ryan a la When Harry Met Sally at the clinic! We ain’t judging nobody so we don’t need the TMI details on how you achieve that O but enjoy it *winks*
5. Do not douche
We get it. You’re just trying to be extra clean so you aren’t known as The Smelly Vagina Lady, but it can have an adverse effect down there. In fact, douching at least once a week has been linked to a possible increase in developing cervical cancer. Yikes! Just remember, douching is reserved for douchebags.
6. Check the weather forecast for the next 7 days
9 times out of 10, the person performing the pap smear will talk about the weather to detract from the awkwardness. Make sure you can chat away like it’s totally normal that they just stuck their finger up your ladybits.
If you have any more useful tips, please leave them in the comments section below. Wishing you and your cervix, good health!

lol, I love Ling and her brutal honesty.
I also love the fact that you’re bringing these sort of matters to the forefront – keep it up!
Jessica recently posted..Weekly Vlog – 16-20/02/2015
Haha, thanks Jessica, but yeah – these womanly issues are so important 🙂
Ling @TheBestBeautyBlog recently posted..Looking Back At My Goals For 2014
Oh, Ling, you make me laugh! I need to have a Pap smear and soon. So uncomfortable, but such a peace of mind at the same time.
Ms Jelena recently posted..Happy Valentine’s Day!
Groan! It’s pap season!!! I just received a letter to get my pap smear too!!! >_<
Ling @TheBestBeautyBlog recently posted..Looking Back At My Goals For 2014
Hahaha…oh some good tips there! Funny as that may be, I did not know that you’re supposed to abstain from having any intercourse before your pap smear! THAT is one fab tip! Thanks!!
Norlin recently posted..Fashion Day: SNS Colour Challenge & Styling A White Blazer
Yay! You’re welcome! 🙂 x
Ling @TheBestBeautyBlog recently posted..Looking Back At My Goals For 2014