Welcome to what I’d call my favourite episode in this mini series of Makeup Favourites Week because today, I’m going to be talking about blushes. Oh yeah. :D Long-time readers will know me and my love for blushes. I have way too many in my makeup stash, yet I still yearn for more. It’s my [...]
Week of Makeup Favourites 2014: My Top 10 Mascaras and Eyebrow Pens
Happy weekend, folks, and welcome to another episode of Makeup Favourites Week! I hope you’ve enjoyed this mini series so far. If not, well, there are just a couple more to go so bear with me, okay? But if you did enjoy this mini series, there are 2 more coming so, yay! :P Today, I’d [...]
Week of Makeup Favourites 2014: My Top 10 Eyeliners
TGIF folks! Hope you’ve had a good week thus far. Me, I’m just looking forward to the weekend as always! As it’s Friday, we’re on to day 5 of Makeup Favourites Week and today, it’s all about eyeliners. I remember a few years ago, in one of my new year’s resolutions, I mentioned that that [...]
Week of Makeup Favourites 2014: My Top 10 Eyeshadows
It’s day 4 on Makeup Favourites Week and today, we’re talking all about eyeshadows! Here’s the thing: even though I have enough eyeshadows to last me many, many years, I’m actually very picky when it comes to actually applying it on my eyelids. Eh, what sort of nonsense is Tine talking about, I hear you [...]
Week of Makeup Favourites 2014: My Top 10 Powders
© Tanouchka Happy hump day, my lovely chickadees! Just a heads up: there’ll be no Bloggie Wednesday post today as we’re still on the Makeup Favourites Week. Yesterday, I talked about one of my favourite makeup products and that’s foundation. Today, I’d like to share with you my top 10 powders for setting foundation. I [...]