Ladies and gentlemen (because I know there are you blokes out there reading this blog. Hello!), may I present to you, on this fine Friday morning, the heart of my kitchen.
The fridge.
Seriously, Tine? The fridge? Yes, my chickens. The fridge.
Now it’s an old one. So old that Tim doesn’t even remember when he got this. It’s small, has broken shelves and the doors are so old that they’re yellow with age. So what is one to do when one isn’t inclined to get us a new fridge (I’m looking at you, husband) but to make it look more appealing with magnets? Lots and lots of fridge magnets?
See, I never thought I’d be the sort of person who’d put lots of magnets on her fridge. My mum’s fridge has heaps of magnets but they’re never random magnets. Every time she travels to a different country, she’ll buy a few souvenir fridge magnets. The fridge is her testimony of travels. Me, I like to put up pictures I’ve taken with my phone.
Say hello to my fridge of Instagram.
These are fridge magnets I’ve collected for the past year or so of some of my favourite photos I’ve posted on Instagram. I got them from Sticky9 (if they don’t sound familiar to you, that’s because they used to be called Stickygram). Each time there’s a 3 for 2 offer, I get another batch of magnets to fill up the fridge doors. Free worldwide shipping doesn’t hurt too. My goal is to cover the entire fridge (both doors) with photo magnets. Not that long to go now, eh?
The folks at Sticky9 have kindly offered 3 packs of mini magnets to give away to 3 lucky readers (one pack of 9 mini magnets just like the ones on my fridge to each winner)! This is a great way for you to print out your favourite photos on Instagram and stick them wherever you like. Maybe join me in decorating your fridge too?
All you have to do is:
1. Have an Instagram account. You need to have photos in your account to print.
2. Follow me on Instagram (@sweetcontemplation – *ahem* shameless plug *ahem*)
3. Leave your Instagram username in the comments below so that I can come check you out too!
Easy peasy!
1. This contest is open to Australian and international readers.
2. The total value of the prize in the contest is AU$47.97.
3. Anyone can enter the competition regardless of whether you’ve won anything here before.
4. Only one comment per contestant will be accepted.
5. Please keep it clean and spam-free.
6. The closing date for this giveaway is 22 May 2014.
7. Three (3) winners will be selected at random. The winners of the giveaway will be announced in the Competition/Giveaways page. Winners will also be notified via email.
8. The winners will be required to submit his/her name and email address to Beautyholics Anonymous, who will be passing that information on to Sticky9. They will be delivering the prize to the winners (please read Beautyholics Anonymous’ privacy statement for more information).
9. The winner must respond to the notification email to claim the prize within 5 working days.
10. Beautyholics Anonymous and Sticky9 reserve the right to change the terms of this giveaway at any time.
Good luck!
Disclaimer: The set of magnets that are of Janey in the photo above was a gift from Sticky9. The rest of the magnets were purchased by me.
Comments on this entry are closed.
IG username is my handle for almost everything social media – LeGeeque! And right at the heart of your fridge is a postcard of puppy Coco!!!! <3 <3 <3
@carolecannelle is my IG username! Fab idea these stickers <3
I don’t instagram, so not entering the giveaway, but wanted to say we do the same as your mum – although we try to find the tackiest, glitziest, nastiest magnet we can wherever we go – we’ve had quite a struggle in Australia as they just aren’t tacky enough and not nearly enough glitter to rival our American/European magnets…..must try harder Australia! lol
Cute piccies of Janey

Hilary Miller recently posted..TV Down Under
love your fridge!!! our fridge at home is also infested with all the magnets from different countries, it’s a huge fridge and it’s almost full already!
Mine is kookla123
Mainly random pics of family, scenery, and competitions
We have a bunch of photos stuck to our fridge but I’d totally love more room and smaller pictures – more of Charlie wouldn’t hurt either! My insta name is emmabovary

emmabovary recently posted..Trialling and Loving
I’m indi_cee on instagram. Love this instagram idea.
Lemme win please? So I can have #sillybelle prints?
ponikuta recently posted..LonVitalite C9 Crystal Moisturising Hand Mask
This is such a great idea! IG is @themaquillage… we have a ‘magnets from around the world’ fridge as well, might have to retire them for something new

Angie recently posted..Ellis Faas Hot Lips
Ooooh pick me pick me! @missjshopaholic

Jess @ Miss J. Shopaholic recently posted..Ellis Faas Hot Lips in Bright Red L401 & Rose Violet L406!
thanks for the giveaway so sweet of you
my instagram username is (@noramica).. I just followed you:)
If I win, gonna give it to my sis in law
Already following you on Instagram
mine is @sharonshazza
Already following you mine is @bethandbeauty13
Beth and Beauty recently posted..Beth and Beauty’s Fridays Ahh’s! or Nahh’s! & Special Announcement!
My instagram username is @Yeapyi ! Just my name haha. And omg I would loveeee my instapics on my fridge!! xx
I don’t have any IG fridge magnets. This would be so cool!!! My IG username is giddytigress.
Giddy tigress recently posted..Caramel Macadamia Brittle Cheesecake
Wow, this is such a lovely idea. My IG name is @victoriashanti and I have been following you since I bought my smartphone at the end of last month. LOL. I have many fridge magnets from all over the world because I am a collector as well but I keep them in a box and do not put them on my fridge. Hahahaha. I am a weirdo that way plus because my kitchen is quite small, the chances of the fridge magnet dropping on the floor after being hit by my arm is quite high.
This is such a cool idea! My instagram user is @svlara. Following you now!
Lara GG recently posted..Una cena diferente “A casa de Poppy”
instagram username – dreamdream936
i post some creative food pics , competitions and few photos of my kids…
This is awesome, I really like the idea of magnetised Instagram photos. I’m following you – I’m @scarletashez
Love this idea, my username is Cateymatey.
This is a lovely idea! My IG username is sridola. I love to instagram pics of my little princess.
I’m clex_monkie89 over on IG!
Clex recently posted..Makeup Basics: Primers
IG: kien_mei
Hope can win this

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