Geez, can you fit a longer name to a beauty product? It’s a good thing this came in a bottle instead of a jar or else they’ll be hard pressed to find the space to fit the words in. :P Ah Estee Lauder. I talked about your blush yesterday and how you started my love [...]
Brace Me, Cuff Me, We’re Having an Arm Party!
Ahh arm parties. Like them or not, they flooded Instagram last year and aren’t likely to stop. If you’re not sure what arm parties are, it’s a term used for the stacking and layering of many bracelets, cuffs and other forms of wristwear on one and/or both wrists. Ever since I bought my first cuff [...]
Five Minutes with My Favourite Blogger: Stacey @ The Cat’s Pyjamas
Five Minutes with My Favourite Blogger is a series of posts where I’ll be showcasing some of my favourite bloggers. These are the bloggers whom I admire and inspire me. Enjoy! Image Credits: Crochet Ethel Cushion | Emma Watson | Simon Bryant’s Vegies My style icon: I am not very stylish so it wasn’t easy [...]
What Would You Do #1: Excuse Me, You’ve Got Lipstick On Your Teeth
Today begins a new series of posts I’ll be doing on a monthly basis called What Would You Do. I came up with the idea some time last year and thought this would be interesting to do in 2013. The idea of the post is that I pose a scenario to you that ends with [...]
DIY Leopard Print Nail Art
I’m a huge admirer of people who can do nail art. Hands so steady like a surgeon’s, meticulously drawing wafer-thin lines on nails, picking tiny gems and placing them on nails … oh the skills! Me, I’m happy to be able to nail-polished dots with my toothpicks. :P And I did! Presenting my proudest moment [...]