Once in a while, you bump into a beauty product that is gimmicky and tries hard to put across a concept that is meant to multitask. You think awesome, I could do away with an extra step of work and eagerly buy into the concept and product. And then you find that it just tanks. [...]
Glasshouse Candles To Prettify My Mantelpiece
I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to candles. I like them smelling good AND I like them looking very good. I’m more than happy to pay a little bit more for good quality candles (by a little bit more, I mean I won’t be buying them from the $2 shops :P). The [...]
Zoe Foster’s Amazing Face
I’ve been reading Zoe Foster’s beauty blogs for a couple of years now. First on Fruity Beauty, then PRIMPED, and now on Tumblr. I even have 3 out of her 4 books (latest being the Amazing Face). So why a groupie? This woman is funny. I mean, laugh-till-the-sides-hurt hilarious. I don’t think I’ve never not [...]
How To Backup Your Blogs On Blogger and WordPress
Beautyholics Anonymous started 4 years ago on Blogger. It wasn’t long before I decided to migrate to Wordpress. It was a steep learning curve, as I was very new to Wordpress, and had no idea what went where. In the process of playing with some files, clicking on some things, doing goodness-knows-what, I accidentally deleted [...]
SAX Cosmetics Sheer Lip Colour Lipstick in Sheer Rose
I must admit that up to a few weeks ago, I’m afraid I’ve never heard of SAX Cosmetics. A pity, because after I discovered the brand and tried some of their products, I kicked myself silly for overlooking this high quality yet affordable brand for so long. Okay, to be fair, the only drugstores I [...]