Val‘s been raving about NARUKO products for a while now, and I must admit I was intrigued. This is, after all, possibly Taiwan’s most popular beauty brand, and of course I must give it a go. A couple of months ago, I did a haul from and got myself a few NARUKO products. Today [...]
I Literally Flew To Sydney To Get My Hair Done
Note: This is a picture-heavy post. A few weeks ago, Stef, Val and I braved the cold, ungodly hour that is 4.30am to the airport, where we were then flown to Sydney for an event at the fantabulous Barney Martin Hair Studio at Surry Hills. It was my first out-of-state bloggers’ event and I was [...]
Beauty Tip – Wear Sunscreen On Your Hands
You know what they say, you can have the smoothest, youngest-looking skin on your face. But one look at your hands, and I’d know how old you really are. Gulp. Hand creams aren’t enough to keep your mitts looking young. To keep them soft, yes, but if you want to prevent crepey, wrinkly hands, you [...]
Bloggie Wednesday – Answering Your Questions About Blogging
For the past few weeks, I’ve been reserving Wednesdays for articles just on blogging. Here they are again in case you’ve missed it: Serious About Blogging? Try an Editorial Calendar A Beauty Blogger’s Media Kit Where Do You Get Your Blogging Ideas? How To Backup Your Blogs on Blogger and Wordpress I’ve received lovely comments [...]
SAX Cosmetics Lip Gloss in Coral
Remember when I reviewed SAX Cosmetics’ Sheer Lip Colour Lipstick in Sheer Rose and said that it reminded me very much of Chanel’s Rouge Coco in Organdi Rose? Well, SAX must have a thing for Chanel because their lipglosses are packaged similarly to Chanel’s Levres Scintillantes! Description: A silky, moisturising lipgloss that conditions and gives [...]