When I watched the movie Clueless years ago, I wanted a feather pen. And I did get one eventually, even when mostly used as a piece of decoration on my stationery holder (as a pen, it was absolutely useless). What can I say, I’ve always been a fan of pink, girly stationery. In fact, I’m a fan of all sorts of stationery, but I’ll leave that for another post.
When I was working in an office, climbing the corporate ladder, I obviously couldn’t use feather pens or flowery sticky notes (could you imagine what it would be like if I used a feather pen in a meeting with the director and stuck pink Post-Its all over the agenda?). Now that I’m working from home, it’s a joy to be able to bring them all out once again.
Sticky notes: Sussan (I adore these. How cute are they?)
Assorted notecards and envelopes: Sussan
Pink damask pencils, pink notebook and stationery holder: Myer
Brown notebook: Pepe’s Paperie (not so girly, but I just love the design)
I absolutely adore stationery of any kind – pink is a huge bonus! Love, love, love the stuff that you have there. Sadly, I don’t think we have Sussan in Kuala Lumpur……but looking at your pictures fulfilled my paper porn addiction for the day!!
i love stationery too! and i’m pretty weird when i was younger. i HAD to buy new stationery at the start of each school year, to signify a fresh start. LOL!
but now my stationery’s provided by the office, except for my fav marker pens. i go through too many pens and sticky notes to buy my own. cheapo me! ha!
Ohh they are all so pretty !
I always wanted a feather pen too lol.