Fridays are good for window-shopping for bags I love to look at but can’t afford to buy. Well, not really can’t afford, but at volatile times like these, I’m not about to waste good money on a bag (but then again, please remind me that I said this if I were to buy one, mmmkay?)
Today I’m “shopping” at Saks Fifth Avenue. And me very likey what I saw.
You can tell I’m into hobos and satchels. I used to carry small shoulder bags, but ever since I started carrying more items in my bag (especially the big makeup bag), I upgraded the size of my bags to hobos and satchels. Often I had to get my husband to carry my bag for me when it gets too heavy.
“Why the heck do you bring 2kg bricks around with you?!”
i so agree with the man part 😛
ooo and i like hobo shaped bags as well. 🙂
hahahh MEN! hehehe Well I’m glad my “Man” understand why I carry such a huge load 🙂
I also don’t understand why I always carry my 2 kg bricks everyday.keke But the stuff in my bag is all useful, will never know when u need it.
Ahhh… bag porn!! *drools*
Always wanted to own a Dior… but cannot afford! boohoohoo!! 🙁
Eh Dior or chanel? Pick only one 😛