My apologies for the lack of proper posts for the past week. I’ve been having a bit of a blog crisis, which will hopefully be resolved soon. Nothing better to make my day yesterday than getting this in the mail.

My latest haul from Benefit is here!

I ordered the latest craze from Benefit – the Posietint. I also bought two lippies – The Gloss in Rave Reviews and Her Glossiness in Talk to my Agent. The two lip gloss were highly recommended by Viva Woman, so I figured I’d give them a go. The other two items were free samples from Benefit. That’s what I love about buying my Benefit items online; you always get free samples from them, even though you only ordered one item.

Oh, and the Posietint. I love it! The flush it gives on my cheeks is so much prettier than the one by Benetint.

I’ll give the Posietint a proper review after using it for a week or so. But it definitely gave me a great first impression.
Me. Want. Posie. Tint. Tooooooooooooo.
love the reflective bottle.
someone please stop me from buying more stuff
Eeks! Posietint is so cute but it looks so cool. I’d need your review soon before I place an order! lol…
I’ll check out your reviews first before ordering. Looking at the extremely pinkish tint, doubt it will look good on my yellowy slightly tanned skin. I’m a bit apprehensive on this.
eeekk I’ve seen so much good reviews on this product!I can’t wait to hear your version!!!!
I hope you’ll continue blogging in this space Tine. I love reading your post cos you’re very detailed in your reviews. Perhaps take time off to venture into something and that may help to bring you some needed air of freshness.
I hope you’ll like the glosses. I haven’t tried their Benetint but my colleague who is using it loves it. So if Posieting is prettier, t gotta be better. Anyway, it’ll be lost on me cos I don’t wear blush at all.