This review is a request from a reader, Jessie of Beauty Loves, who wants to view actual swatches of Benefit’s Dandelion and Georgia. I’m not the first person to review the very popular face powders, but I hope it helps. Here it goes.

Benefit Georgia

Dust this peaches and cream powder lightly all over your complexion then brush on the apples of your cheeks for a warm, happy glow. The sheer peach blush looks beautiful on all complexions, and the delicate peach scent will leave you radiating sunshine! The powder also looks great dusted on the eye lids.
Tips and tricks: Sweep the brush across the powder a few times, then tap off any excess. Brush lightly on to the apples of your cheeks in an outward motion. For the final touch, lightly brush all over your complexion.
I got the Georgia as a gift from my aunt in the US (well, I asked her to get it for me, in which I would reimburse her for, but she just asked me to keep it as a gift. Sweet!). Just like the Dandelion, I thought the packaging was really cute, and the description of the peach powder won me over.
The reason I wanted the Georgia was that I thought it was a peach blush, and I wanted one. Since Benefit wasn’t available in Penang, and I wasn’t in KL at that time to test the colour, I took a blind shot and asked my aunt to get it for me. My bad for not checking it out first, because in actual fact, it’s not a blush, but a face powder *smacks forehead*.
No matter how much of the Georgia I applied on my cheeks, the colour would not show. In the end, I just used it as a face powder. It does smell peachy (pun intended) 😉

I swiped a bit more of the powder just to show you what it looks. I didn’t show it on my face as you probably wouldn’t tell the difference with or without Georgia on.
I think this would work well on those with very fair skin, to give you that glow when highlighting the cheeks. For me, not so much.
Benefit Dandelion

Start your day the “perk-me-up” way, and keep them guessing how you look so pretty this early in the morning. Dust on our soft, pink, perk-me-up powder for instant radiance and a youthful appearance. It’s the perfect shade of pink that brightens everyone’s complexion without looking powdery or chalky.
Tips and tricks: Sweep the brush across the powder a few times, then tap off any excess. Brush lightly on to the apples of your cheeks in an outward motion. For the final touch, lightly brush all over your complexion.
Ahhh … the very popular Dandelion. Y’know, I’ve wanted this blush ever since I saw it in a magazine when I was a student in the UK six years ago. As I wasn’t much into makeup then, I didn’t think I could justify the heavy purchase. When I started working, I stumbled upon the Dandelion once again, and I did not hesitate buying it.

I have a bit of a lukewarm relationship with this blush. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don’t. The blush is not very pigmented, thus it doesn’t show on my cheeks unless I use a lot of it. That’s the part which I do not like; I don’t like too much gunk on my face. But when the blush does show, it gives my cheeks a very lovely pink glow. Now that, I like very much.
The photographs below are taken during the day, without flash, with Dandelion on bare skin.


The included brush works well in contouring the cheeks. I like using the Dandelion on my lazy days; little work, good results.
All in all, it’s thumbs up for the Dandelion, and, err, middle thumbs (??) for Georgia.
Benefit’s Dandelion and Georgia retail at USD28 each, and RM129 in Malaysia. I highly recommend buying Benefit products from the Benefit website as the prices including shipping and handling fees would still be lower than the prices in Malaysia and Australia. You can share with family members and/or friends when shopping online, as shipping is free for international customers with purchases over USD100. Share and save! :p
What I like about it:
Georgia – I love the smell of this one.
Dandelion – Gives me a lovely pink glow on my cheeks.
What I did not like about it:
Georgia – It doesn’t work as a blush for me as it doesn’t show. Could work better for those with fairer skin.
Dandelion – Have to use a lot for the colour to show.
ahhh… dandelion looks so sweet
now i can’t decide whether to get this, thrrrob or posie tint
most probably all 3 will be in my dresser one day in the far off future 🙂
I LOVE dandelion on you!!! looks great!!!!!!!
Very pretty! Oh, you have lovely eyes even from how much I can see from the pic! Must show us more next time k? 😉
Oh oh.. I’ve always wanted to try Dandelion, but even more so, Georgia when Benefit was first available here in Msia. But the RM129 made me chicken out a little. Especially since it’s more of an overall powder, rather than a blush. Oh dear, I can hear it calling out to me now.. =P
Great job (as usual) Tine!
Pretty colours. Have always wanted to own ’em both. Never got around to it. hehe…
Looks good on ya by the way.:->
i tried this at their counter, the color looked really natural on cheek.
I so need to try this out! I’ve been reading reviews about it left, right and center. 🙂
terrible terrible terrible. so disappointing as i wanted to be lured into buying it.. oh well.. $$$ saved! cha ching!
how abt throbb? anyone tried that?
is it much blushier compare to dandelion?
Aahh…I duno y ppl rave sooo much about dis Benefit. I bought Dandelion & Benetint. Well nothing so impressive about it. When I test it at the counter, damn I look so much brighter after he laid the Dandelion on my face. After buying & few time of usage, I still didn’t see any miraculous….I think whether I use it anot…it doesnt make any difference lerrr. But sometimes when i took pic…I wonder what makes my complexion so niceeee, glowing & pinkish…then only i remember using dandelion and benetint. well, overal I also have mixed feeling towards dis product..hmmm….but I wont buy it anymore la since its not worth dat much..sorry to disappoint u gal. I’ll only pay extra for a product dat do miracle to me 🙂
Hi, I was wondering… much does Dandelion and Georgia cost in Australia? Can you help me out? Thanks.
Hi dear, could you tell me where you bought the benefit blushes? No offence, because I’m kinda concerned for you that you may have bought a fake one. If you’d check out the other websites for spotting a fake benefit dandelion, you could see that you have a 10g on the packaging, whereas the real version is 10.0g. If you bought it from the store, it shouldn’t be a problem, probably it’d just be old packaging, but if you didn’t, you might just want to be aware of the fake benefit in the market.