Tim and I did a bit of Googling on factory outlets in Melbourne and whaddya know, we went factory outlet hunting on Saturday and had so much fun! A lot of the factory outlets were hidden away, and you really have to drive around to locate the stores. My highlight of our factory outlet escapade was discovering a Crabtree and Evelyn factory outlet store. I didn’t know that there even was one!

It’s a very small store, not exactly factory outlet-y, but a lot of the items were sold very cheaply. The products sold were mostly discontinued items, or slightly damaged ones at discounted prices (30% to 70% off selected ranges). They do stock a few of the more popular items, which were full-priced. A few of the small travel sets were selling at around AUD12, which was cheap, because these cost RM80 – RM85 in Malaysia.
Here’s a sneak peek of the store.

The bottles you see on and under the table are 500ml shower gels and body lotions Crabtree and Evelyn sells. I’ve never actually seen 500ml bottles of anything in Crabtree and Evelyn before, only the smaller ones.
As I wasn’t really in need of anything from Crabtree and Evelyn, but still wanted to get a little something from the store, I went home with a few goodies in my bag.

Spring Rain Environmental Oil
Original price – AUD14.95
Discounted price – AUD3.74
Summer Hill Scented Body Lotion
Original price – AUD34.95
Discounted price – AUD24.47

Spring Rain Weekender (the wee travel bag)
(contains Bath & Shower Gel, scented body lotion, soap and talc-free body powder)
Original price – AUD22.95
Discounted price – AUD11.48
Scented soaps were going for around AUD1.50, perfume around AUD10, etc. Cheap, cheap, CHEAP! Why shop retail when you can get ’em at much lower prices? 😉
Opening times:
Closed on Mondays
Tuesday – Saturday 10am – 4pm
Crabtree and Evelyn Australia Pty Ltd
42-46 Fairchild Street
Heatherton VIC 3202
Tel: 03 8551 1003
i wanttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!
fly me to melb puhleeeeeeeeeeeese! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
oh, and u know, i had a crabtree & eve shower gel n lotion set 5 years ago. i couldnt bring myself to use them coz they smelll soooooooo good. then i kept them, till they rot. 🙁 and i have to live with this regret forever now
Like I’d said, if MIL sees me buying all these, she’d go,”AIYOH…. I CAN GET FOR YOU AT STAFF PRICE!!!!” 😛
Yesterday was mothers’ day and in-laws and parents went out for lunch after church since all their terrible kids decided to migrate 😛 MIL stuffed a whole bagful of C&E stuff to mum. Heheh.
I have one of their towels. It’s the softest thing ever. Mmm…. 🙂
I dunno bout their stuff but C&E have delicious cookies….uummm cookies…… =p
Not so into C&E but they make lovely gifts so I’m always buying them for that LOL… I’d love to check out the other outlets there though. I’m an outlets kinda gal 🙂
I never see any outlet store for C&E. I haven’t been using C&E for the longest time! But I can still remember those freebies from the plane 🙂 I love using those freebies hehehe
Ooh..Now I really do I wish I have a car! Is Heatherton far from the city? This outlet looks great! Perfect to collect a stash of Crabtree’s scents. I used Crabtree’s collection during my engagement. Love Crabtree!
You come lah, I’ll bring you there 🙂
The sales in Malaysia (love the Christmas sales; the C&E stuff are so pretty and affordable) are pretty good. Don’t worry, you can always restock then.
See, some people don’t have MILs who have fantastic connections with C&E lah 😛
I’m so wanting their bathrobes. Wouldn’t that be like the most decadent thing ever? 😛
Constant Drama:
Hmmm … haven’t tried their cookies nor their tea. The beauty stuff ALWAYS distracts me 😉
I love factory outlet shopping too; unfortunately there wasn’t any back in Penang. Oh well, I’m glad there are lots here 🙂
C&E freebies from the plane???? Woah, which airline? Can’t be slum class :O
Indulgent Diva:
I’m guessing it’s about 20-30 minutes from the city. It’s in some sort of industrial area though, and not easy to find at all. In fact, the sign leading to the outlet is so small, we almost missed it!
Yes but that was years back and it’s cathay pacific 🙂 And they have it for men, got it from my dad. And it’s a miniature version and everything, with socks as well! hhahah that bag is too cute..and it’s for long haul flights, I don’t think they still have it now 🙂
I am in the US and as far as I can tell, the Veranda line is not more. Do you have any Down Under? I love the soap, powder, really anything I can get in that scent. Do help!
Thank you
Hi there I am looking for your Mason coffee mugs that come out around November. I am looking for all dates. Please let me know if you have any. My phone number is (805) 501-5126. I live in California and hope you have them….Thank you so much!!!!