Adding to my love of daisies, check out these new babies from The Body Shop.

It’s the limited edition Blushing Daisies, which you can use on your cheeks, your face for an all-round glow, your eyes and even your décolletage. Both have a shimmering blush and two illuminating shades in a lovely daisy design.
I’m not sure if this is out in Malaysia yet, but I saw it on the US and Australian Body Shop website (so far, it isn’t available in the UK yet. Weird eh, given that the Body Shop originated from the UK?). Now check out the prices of these for both countries. The Blushing Daisies is sold in the US website at USD19.50, but in the Australian website, it’s going at AUD34.95 (approximately USD32.59 at the time of writing). That’s about 61% markup in price. What gives?!
Anyways, I’m keeping this in view for now. I’ll check it out at the Body Shop store to see if it is really worth that money. As pretty as the blush look with the daisies, I think I’d rather spend that money on NARS or something more high-end than The Body Shop.
I saw them at The Body Shop here in KL. Cannot remember the price because I was quite underwhelmed when I saw them but it should be something like RM70 or so. If you decide you want it, get someone to get it for you here 😉 And Australian cosmetic prices are notoriously over marked up. Hence the increasing number of australians buying online.
they are soo pretty!
yeah, as parisb said, they’re available here…they were used during the body shop event I attended a while back.
had a chance to try it out, but its really not worth it as the ‘daisy’ shades don’t go all the way to the bottom, hence(surprise, surprise) the flowers FADE almost immediately.
Haven’t walked into The Body Shop for awhile but these are really pretty!
i’m supposed to be resting now. *Snore* running a fever and all. caught the bug that’s going round the office but but but i cannot stop surfing. you know what, I’ve never used much stuff from TBS!
AHAH! someone’s hooked on nars blushes now 🙂
Hmm … just as I expected. The Shimmer Waves is also around that price, I reckon. I wasn’t too impressed with that one either. Yeah, Australian cosmetics prices are just crazy. I’ll be blogging about that soon. I’d much rather order them online. Have I thanked you lately for the Kiss and Makeup site? :p
Oh indeed they are. Don’t know if they’re all that, but they sure look pretty.
Ahh it’s just like Revlon’s Golden Affair Sculpting Blush then. Ish. What a waste 🙁
I love The Body Shop body butter range, I think they’re the best, but the makeup has never really appealed to me all that much though.
Aaaahhhh someone “eating snake”, huh? 😉 Hehe, reminds me of those *ahem* good ol’ days when I’d do the same. Oh dear, better go pump yourself with lots of Vitamin C then. Get well soon, yeah?
I really LOVE the NARS blush I bought. You only need to use so little per application. It’d take me YEARS before I finish the blush. Hehe, that should justify me paying so much for it eh, after pro-rating it cost per year? 😛
Hi Hi, I would say this palette is really PRETTY and you would really be tempted to buy this, but when you compare it to NARS..I WOULD still go for NARS as the Body Shop is sheer-er, more on the shimmery look rather than adding color to your cheeks. If you’re into hi-lighting your facial features, this works well, but if you want this as a blush, well..don’t expect too much :”D
wat a coincidence! I was just about to blog about them too!! I can’t decide if i should buy them. Retails at RM79 here in Msia. Its limited edition. Do u think i should get it??
Yeah I think so too. I have a feeling it’s very similar to its Shimmer Waves, which means it’s pretty sheer and shimmery. For the price, I’d definitely pay a little more for NARS instead 😉
Hehe, I just read your post on this. Thanks very much for sharing 🙂 I haven’t personally tried it out just yet but nah, save the money for something else 😉