Check out what came in the mail today. My Lumiere and Silk Naturals stash!

I ordered my stuff from Lumiere Cosmetics a little over 2 weeks ago, and Silk Naturals 2 weeks ago. It was a very pleasant surprise that both arrived on the same day. More for me to play with :p

These are the items I ordered from Lumiere. A set of travel-sized synthetic makeup brushes and the sample kit. The makeup brushes are seriously soft; I spent a few minutes just sweeping the face brush and blush brush in circles on my face because it felt good. Weird, I know.

The sample kit from Lumiere – Cashmere Foundation in Light Medium Neutral, Light Neutral and Light Cool, Veena Velvet Finishing Powder in Light Neutral, Sheer Silk Powder and Veena Blush in Terra Cotta. Only 1/4 teaspoon each sample, but it should suffice since you only need so little per application. Aren’t the sifter jars cute? (even better than the ones by Everyday Minerals)

Next, my haul from Silk Naturals. I’m actually pretty excited about this one, as I’ve heard many good things about Silk Naturals’ mineral makeup. Plus, the prices are better than Lumiere, Everyday Minerals and Signature Minerals.

Instead of coming in separate jars of foundation, the introductory foundation sample kit consists of a few colours in separate baggies and white foundation which you mix and experiment on your own until you find the perfect colour. A sifter jar and mixing spoon is provided. Oooh, project!

The sample kit from Silk Naturals – Perfecting Powder, Sheer Blush in Climax (this is apparently a clone to NARS’ Orgasm) and Flirt, and Under Eye Concealer (Sleep In A Jar).
Oh and they threw in two extra samples as well – Sheer Blush in Tart Light and an Eye Color in Scallop Pink. Sweet!
Can’t wait to get started on these. Stay tuned for the reviews 🙂
woohoo! I love seeing those yellow padded envelopes in the mail. Even more so when they come with white boxes and lilac ribbon hehe… Happy playing and review them soon! I just ordered the Lumiere sample kit again. Think my previous foundation was too light.
you’re making me want to order again…. 🙁
I’m gonna order a shipload of stuff from Silk Naturals soon too since I loveeee the new collection soooo much! waiting for your reviews on your samples…have fun mixing your SNs!
what is the best way to get the best coverage from the minerals? pls enlighten me
Wheee!! Mine arrived today too, in pretty organza bags no less…been going mad taking pictures. 😀
Oooh…Silk Naturals is good? Hmmm…I think I want to give them a try.
The Lumiere new sifter jars look the same as those from Ferro Cosmetics. I love them. Very pretty! But I happy with EM’s too. Small sifter jars just makes me happy.
So exciting! Pls do review the different brand of mineral cosmetics.
I am getting impatient waiting for mine to arrive. So tempted to order Silky Naturals but I haven’t even tried the ones I ordered. :p
Yay! I can’t wait for you to do your review 🙂
Oooh me too! Ahh the white boxes and lilac ribbon would be from Strawberrynet, right? Haven’t bought anything from there lately. For some reason nothing appeals to me, well, for now anyway. I still haven’t tried out my Lumiere foundation yet.
Aiya, you wait for yours to come lah. Very the fun one. But then if you end up buying more after that, not my fault, yeah? :p
Indulgent Diva:
I just ordered a blush from the new collection. Uh oh …
Get a good brush. A good kabuki. The tightly bound bristles gives you better coverage than a normal face brush. I prefer using synthetic brushes for my mineral foundation than my natural ones as I found that it picked up the powder better. Do give it a go with a good kabuki brush. I use the long kabuki from Everyday Minerals. It’s only US$10; cheap, very soft, and does the job well.
Good luck!
Yay, yours arrived too! But no fair, only my eye shadows came in an organza bag (black one some more. Tsk tsk tsk), the rest were in cheap crepe paper. Oh well, it’s the inside that counts. Hehe.
You know more about mineral makeup than I do, so I can’t really claim that Silk Naturals is the best. But it IS better than Everday Minerals, that I can vouch :p Yeah, the Lumiere sifter jars are very cute. Love that it’s a square bottom. A big no no for me would be that the stuff came WITHOUT sifters. Applying the blush from Lumiere was really messy 🙁
Hehehe, I’ll try. So far, I have my Everyday Minerals, Silk Naturals and Lumiere minerals. I’m still waiting for my stash from Signature Minerals though. For the latter, I didn’t order any foundation, only blush and eye colours as I did not need THAT many foundation. The samples from the rest would last me a long time 🙂
The Faux Fashionista:
Hahaha, do stay tuned then 😉