Seriously, what the @#$% is wrong with me?!
Anyhoos, as I was doing a bit of *ahem* window shopping in the shopping centre, I stepped into Mecca Cosmetica.
I finally saw NARS, and after hearing so much about NARS blush in Orgasm, I figured I had to try it out. A lady in blue attended to me (at that time I didn’t think as to why she wasn’t in uniform as the rest of the staff), got me on the stool, and gave me a LOT of makeup tips, especially on how to play around with colours to get the most out of my olive skin.

She recommended that I do not use Orgasm, as the colour wouldn’t really play well with my skin tone. Just to be sure, she tried it on me, and true enough, I couldn’t see much of a colour on my cheeks. She actually put quite a lot to show me, but all I saw was shimmer. She said that contrary to how popular the colour is, it does not suit everyone, and I have to agree with her. It just looked like a whole lot of shimmer on me, and I was, sadly, rather disappointed.

In the end, she suggested I tried the orange. And seriously, it was really ORANGE. My face must have given my look of horror away as she quickly added that it would look really good on my olive skin, because you’d want the colour to bring out the radiance of your cheeks, of your face, instead of hiding it. With that, she even added an equally-if-not-more ORANGE lipgloss!!

At that point, I just thought, fine, just let her do it, if I look like a doll, I can just remove it later. All she did was circular sweeps of the blush on the apples of my cheeks, mixed the orange lipgloss with some clear gloss, applied it on my lips, and when she showed me the mirror, it was such a transformation. I looked positively radiant; the colours weren’t as they seemed on the outside, and frankly, I looked great! :p
A tip for making sure lipgloss stays longer on your lips – apply the gloss on your lips (mix it with some clear gloss if the colour’s too opaque), and use 1 ply of tissue, press your lips together, press the tissue lightly on your lips, and sweep some loose/compact powder on the lips. The powder seeps through the porous tissue, and sets the gloss.

Pretty cool, huh? You can tell that I was sold. At AUD110 (that’s AUD50 for the lipgloss, and AUD60 for the blush), that would be the MOST I’ve ever spent on such little amount of makeup, but the colours were absolutely gorgeous, I couldn’t help it! Anyways, I’ll do a proper review on it soon. I’ve tried them out, and my my, it was worth every dollar I paid. Anyways, more that soon 😉
Oh, and I found out from the cashier, that the lady who was giving me the makeover, and all those makeup tips and colours of the season and all that, was actually an international makeup artist from NARS, from the UK, doing a bit of a visit in Melbourne (for the Melbourne Fashion Festival, maybe?). Lucky me :p
fabulous! Glad you made a trip out to Mecca. the staff are really something 🙂
What’s the name of your blush and gloss? Did you check out Dolce Vita? ><
Hey gorgeous! That doesn’t look like Taj Mahal (which was burnt pumpkin orange and which looks awesome on me but was too much work) but is it Exhibit A? I’ve been dying to try Exhibit A despite it being super duper red in pictures and despite knowing it’ll take heck of a lot of work to make it look natural on my fair skin! And yes, Orgasm is overrated… the blush I mean LOL
Geekchic: Yeah, am glad I dropped by Mecca :p The blush is Exhibit A, and the gloss is Babe.
Nope, didn’t check that out. Is that the blush ah?
Paris: Ding! Ding! Yep, that’s Exhibit A. Yeah, I know, it looks REALLY red, right? But when it’s blended on the skin, it’s absolutely GORGEOUS! You should at least give it a go. Blend, blend, blend :p
Tee hee, well, as long as there are people who likes their Orgasm, good enough. Kekekeke :p
Darn! Wish we had NARS here 😛 Never tempt a blush ho 😛
I know! I can’t believe you managed to hog so many! Jeles aku :p
I’m turning into a blush ho too, kekekeke :p
hi tine!
great nars experience. i’m surprised the artist didn’t try deep throat blush on you. i call it the better orgasm because it’s darker and shows up on different skintones…however, taj mahal and exhibit a are more popular suggestions for olive skintones!
have fun with your goodies!
wow. mind taking a pic of your blush n lips on your olive skin? I can’t imagine how the bright colors will look like on skin! puhleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese? :D:D:D
Yummy411: Hi hi! Thanks for dropping by 😉
Yeah I know. I was really surprised too. But then again, it was the makeup artist doing it for me, and not the sales assistants, so she didn’t need the sale :p
Ooooh I’ve got to go check out Taj Mahal now. Thanks for the suggestion 🙂
Prettybeautiful: Hmm … sounds like a good idea. I’ll take a photo of my lips and cheeks for the review 😉
dolce vita is a gloss adn also a lippie. go check it out 🙂
Yay for Nars! I find that Nars blushes look scary in the pan, but go on sheer. Tine, since you’re warm toned, you may also want to look into Taos. I’m draw to Angelika like a moth to a flame in the stores, but alas, I’ll never have an occasion for that.