What do you think about customising your own bag? Nope, I don’t mean accessorising it with knick-knacks, scarves, keychains, etc. I mean actually DRAWING on your bag.

Fendi introduced the Paint-Your-Own Baguette Tote. The bag comes with a coated canvas, an acrylic double-F logo on the front (Fendi wouldn’t be Fendi without it) and ten Pantone Universe marker to create your own design on the bag.

Sacre bleu! Such a blasphemy on beauty, I tell you.
Now I don’t know about you, but at USD1300, no markers, pens, grimy fingers, etc are even coming NEAR my bag. Why ruin a pretty white bag? Tsk tsk.
Sorry Fendi luv, it’s a definite NO for me.
Oh puke puke! At $1300 they’d better be customizing the bag for ME! DIY indeed 😛
nice blog… love the contents 🙂
agree… i’d rather leave it as it’s original shape 😉
This seems horrible! I would definitely never draw on a bag … especially one that costs so darn much!
Paris: I know, right? Tsk tsk, such travesty on a beautiful (and expensive!) bag.
Kahianchi: Hi there, thanks for dropping by. My sentiments exactly. The white’s not bad, right? Better to just leave it alone.
Beautychick101: Yeah, I agree. Not even if the bag’s a real cheap one. Just seems wrong to be defacing the bag.