Gee, 2008 is just around the corner. How time flies when you’re having fun, eh?
I started this baby (blog) in May 2007, and sadly, I’ve been neglecting it due to my wedding preparations, work, and all that. I had big plans for this blog, and it started out great. It still is, albeit a little slower than I’d imagine. My bad for not following it closely. But there’ll be changes once everything is settled, I promise.
So, beauty-wise, what did I learn in 2007?
- I went for a makeup course at Stella-In. It wasn’t cheap (RM380 for two classes), but it was so much fun as I went with a group of friends from work, and we had such a blast learning how to properly put on makeup. I would definitely encourage those of you who enjoy makeup to go for one, if not to learn more about skincare and makeup, then for a laugh, because it really is a whole lot of fun.
- Ever since I started the beauty blog, I began buying more beauty products! I used to be massive bag junkie (well, still am, albeit toning down a little), but now I hoard beauty products like there is no tomorrow. Everytime I see something new, I’d go “hey, I want this. Can blog about it” :p I was unstoppable. And now, I have a lot of barely used stuff which I’ll be giving away to some of my girlfriends before I leave for Melbourne.
- I became my friends’ unofficial beauty consultant. Free one at that (tsk tsk!). I don’t claim to know a lot, but I really hope I did help y’all out a bit by dishing out a bit of advice here and there. Remember ladies, WE are our asset 🙂
- I became addicted to blusher (not as much as Paris, tee hee, but I’m so getting there). I love how it lights up my face on a dull and dreary day.
- I discovered loads of cheap and chic makeup and skincare products like Elianto and Clinelle. See, this is what happens when thoughts of “blogging about it” can’t leave your mind.
- I finally found my holy grail of body lotions. Whee!
So yeah, that was what 2007 was for me. My pockets became lighter from the massive products I amassed, but I sure found a lot of goodies along the way. Let’s hope that 2008 will bring us more new things to try out (ouch says my purse), especially when I’m in Melbourne. Can’t wait to try out the Australian brands. Oh, and I’ll also send some goodies back to some of you 😉
Cheers to 2007, and may 2008 bring you lovely ladies good finds and great bargains.
Stay beautiful!
Happy New Year to you too!
p/s I bumped into your blog while I was searching for some info on cellnique and have been a regular reader since then. And oh ya, now I’m a regular cellnique customer as well (benn using most of the products and just love the mosturizing & balancing lotion + skin purifying daytime protection 20)
Keep on blogging!
Happy new year too, may you live happily ever in melb but don’t forget about hunting for cool products. Sigh. my pocket became so much lighter after buying those products, hostings and etc. Ah wish i had endless $ for more more more
why oh why everyone seems to be moving to aussie?
yes, i am getting poor too since there are so many things to get for our top to bottom, inner to outer
m2rs: Thanks for dropping by 🙂
Aww that’s great. I’m currently only using the Pro Sebum Gel, but I bought a trial pack of the other products, so I’ll be trying them out soon. Who knows, may be gems in the hiding 😉
Hope to see you back here soon 🙂
Prettybeautiful: Thanks, and happy new year to you too!
Sigh … same lah. Ads not making money, money always going out, hardly coming in 🙁
Jessie: Hmm I don’t know. I do know of a lot of people moving to Australia too. Oh well, no choice for me :p