I’ve never been to the MAC counters in anywhere but its branch in Gurney Plaza, Penang, but so far, I have not read any good encounters with the people there. So if any of you out there who’s had a pleasant experience with MAC’s sales assistants, do write in. We’d love to hear from you.
My gripe with the sales assistants in Gurney Plaza’s MAC is that if I do step into the shop a sorry sight (i.e. not as “groomed” as they are, but really, I hope they realise just how over made up they are), browsed the items without buying anything, I’d either be given a dirty look, or thoroughly ignored. Now, I LOVE to be left alone when browsing at a shop (nothing worse than someone tailing your every step. Many a time, I very much would like to tell them to buzz off), but the sales assistants should be on their toes when a potential customer walks into the shop, be attentive to you even though you tell them you’re just browsing. Being ignored altogether, even when you’re trying to get their attention, is a big NO NO.
MAC’s not the only store I have grievances with. The other store which I have an even bigger gripe with, is Sasa.
I was really excited when I heard that there was going to be a Sasa store in Queensbay Mall. I’ve heard so much about the store, been to the website, etc, and was really looking forward to frequenting the place. But, man, it was such a disappointment.
Now, so far, the only place for me to get my supplies of Cellnique’s Pro Sebum Gel is Sasa, which is SUCH a pity, because I really do not like the sales assistants in that store. To be fair, I do not like most of the sales assistants in the Queensbay Mall branch (haven’t been other branches in the country), but there were a couple who were quite pleasant. But the rest of them … pfft.
First of all, I do not like their assumption that every Chinese customer can speak and understand Chinese. Just because Sasa’s more of a “Chinese” store compared to the rest (which, in my opinion, is such a ridiculous concept. Very discriminatory indeed), it does NOT mean all of us speak the same language from the start.
When the sales assistants realised I did not speak Chinese (I answer them in English), they’d continue to speak in Chinese to me, and did not bother switching to English. Then they’d do the biggest NO NO for me; they’d follow me around EVERYWHERE, and begin introducing every single brand to me, promoting them in Chinese, even though I clearly wasn’t interested. If I did not want the items they promote, they’d give me this pitiful look, like they were above me just because they could speak Chinese and I couldn’t. It was only when I forked out my money, then did they speak in English. And when they do, they were unbelievably rude. *scoff*
Oh, and when the store’s not having a busy day, the girls were more interested in USING the makeup testers and primping themselves, than serving customers. It really is no wonder why I do NOT use the makeup testers, because more often than not, it’s the sales assistants who use ’em, and not the customers. They were using the makeup brushes directly on their skin, mascara on their lashes, well, you get the drift. Euuwwwww.
This was not my first bad encounter with the sales assistants at Sasa. Every time I go to the store, I get the same treatment. I really wouldn’t even go there if not for the gel. Readers from Penang, if you know of anywhere else which one can buy Cellnique’s Pro Sebum Gel, I’d really appreciate your comments. Thanks 🙂
So there ya go. Man, it felt good to let that off my chest. But really, poor service from sales assistants can really spoil your shopping experience. I spend a good deal of money on skincare products and makeup. I do not enjoy handing my hard-earned money over to people who do not understand the meaning of common courtesy, nor do I appreciate being humiliated by them.
Everyone’s a consumer, even sales assistants. How would they like it if they were given the same treatment?
Thoughts Aside: The Bally Total Fitness is considered among the largest commercial operators of nationwide fitness programs in New York. They recommend use of bath salts for an oily skin following hours of heavy exercise bike. Plus they recommend using high quality skin moisturizers of Johnson & Johnson, the company producing Acuvue contacts.
i think bad sales assts are like all over the place. i have not experienced bad attitude from MAC, only because i don’t shop there. haha. but SASA.. yes.. the ‘housefly’ sales assts are here too…
the worst is that such sales assts are ‘penetrating’ pharmacies like watsons as well. they prey on those who don’t hv perfect skin and body and take the opportunity to promote their ‘wonder products’. *tsk.. can’t even browse in peace*
i’ve been ignored once in MAC KLCC and dare not enter again. MAC in Mid valley was better there was a guy who did not laser eye’d me when I did not buy anything after browsing
no problems at sasa subang, sasa ioi mall, sasa sunway at all. usually i just tell them i’m browsing and then ignore them. i must look intimidating cause they never try to kacau me 🙁
u can try to get cellnique at some watsons and guardian. usually they are locked in the glass cabinets along with the medical equipments
Hear! Hear! There is a thin line between being helpful and being a pain. There is another thin line between being useful and being rude. MAC and Sasa never learnt how to balance on that thin line. I have stopped going to Sasa but even if I do go, I’ll just say I’m browsing and ignore the SAs. After a while, they leave me in peace. My last 2 visits to MAC were largely ignored by the SAs allowing me to browse in peace. I think I wore my invisibility cloak that day 😉
i hate MAC SAs,nv bought anything from there too. As for SASA, when I step, when the SA came to me, i will js tell them tht im not buying anything then they will look piss off n leave me alone ..hehe i love watsons the most! too bad watsons here they have limited skincare n make up, unlike the sg one
surprisingly, i’ve never had bad experiences with MAC SAs in MidValley or KLCC. Perhaps, most of the time, I was so excited about their products that I ignored their suggestions or piercing stares. WHATEVER…
Sasa, yes, a huge gripe with them, goes without saying. I hear you on that Chinese speaking thing! Even when I decline politely that I’m just browsing, nothign would stop them from shoving fragrances under my nose!
I was once quite keen on getting Issey Miyake’s summer scent for men. For myself. (Yes, men’s scents can be quite pretty too sometimes) When she saw that I was spraying a men’s scent on me, she acted as if I’d committed a cardinal sin,”Noooo… that’s not for women!!!” I told her that I was aware of the fact and you wouldn’t believe the condescending look I got. Again… WHATEVER….
Ooo, I thought I was alone abt Sasa, I mean it’s not terribly bad, but it could have been better. It’s like they’re forced to promote stuff, and don’t seem to understand simple english sometimes. Not to mention snotty at times. Shameful!
Well im an avid MAC collector, ive few shares of bad experiences with MAC’s SA but only a few. Probably few times but i ignored em. Probably because i already know wat i want when im reached the store, so i just tell the SA what i want and they get it for me but most of em are very helpful and nice. But there was one particular incident in MAC Lot10, i was enquiring whether they have a stock of Loud Lash mascara, she replied in one word “No”. Puzzled by this i asked her again whether it is out of stock or been discontinued, she with the most unfriendliest face replied me in one liner AGAIN “out of stock”. WTH..then out of nowhere, shes forcing me to buy Plushlash instead, i said NO coz i need someting waterproof, she answered me with the ‘smartest’ answer she could think of “its not like ur swimming all day, why do u need a waterproof anyway?” i swear i almost smack her face on the spot. I was really pissed off then stormed out of there. ‘Magically’ i met her again recently and she (still..?) working in MAC but this time in Sogo, basically my friend wanna get a powder but judging from her sarcasm, my friend rather buy cheaper drugstore brand than waste her money getting such lame service. Too bad, i forgot to check her name tag. Well for SASA, all of the outlets in KL & Selangor that i went, all sucks big time – all of their SA are rude, snobbish and i think they really really need to improve their services & be more customer oriented rather than ‘being in their own world’. Most of my friends agreed with me, all they get for spending money in SASA is BAD SERVICE!. wat the ~ Last month, i went to SASA (as my last resort..i usually try to avoid SASA) to look for a body bronzer…and the SA looked at me with ‘ONE KIND’ and talked in cantonese with her other ‘stupid’ colleague – TRANSLATION: “wat the hell shes talking about?”(she probably think that i dont understand coz i speak English to her) while laughing at each other and looked at me like im some crazy lady then shoved a moisturizer to my face. — im not a violent person but seriously, she deserve a punch in the face with that kind of attitude..I wont go to SASA ever again!
Tine, for the Cellnique’s Pro Sebum Gel, I think you can get it from Burma Road Cellnique’s Facial treatment Centre or another Symrou Beauty Centre which located at Jalan Perak near Sunshine Jelutong.
I am using that daily too ^^
The SASA sales assistants in Singapore operate the same way too.
Just the other day, I was at one of their branches and wanted to see if they had a particular brand of perfume.
Not much customers in the store. As soon as I lifted a bottle to test the fragrance, a pesky sales assistant came up to my side and asked me if I am looking for something. I replied, “Looking around only” in Mandarin and proceeded to look around the store. I could sense her and ANOTHER sales assistant following my behind.
And then I walked out of the store. Without buying anything.
I dont see why I should be followed like a criminal by aggressive, stupid assistants and yet the same time, pay $$$ for their salaries. 🙂
dayum after reading these comments on the rude SA”S following you around..I thought only african/american had it this bad….being followed as soon as they enter the store…dayum…