*hand raised very sheepishly*
I’m guilty of not checking my boobs often. I should be doing it at least once a month, and not simply do it anytime to my fancy.
I do know how and where to press and check, but like other women out there, I don’t know if the lumps I’m feeling are natural or unnatural. It’s not unusual to feel slight lumps on the breasts, as they’re made on fatty tissue. But the harder stuff, that’s when I’d start panicking.
Anyways, here’s a how-to to doing a breast self examination, courtesy of WebMD.
Monthly breast self-exams are an option for all women beginning by age 20. Women who regularly examine their breasts become more aware of how their breasts normally feel. They are more likely to notice changes – including masses or lumps – that could be early signs of cancer. It’s best to check about a week after your period, when breasts are not swollen or tender. If you no longer have a period, examine yourself on the same day every month. If you see or feel a change in your breasts, see your doctor immediately. But remember, most of the time breast changes are not cancer.
1. Using a mirror, inspect your breasts with your arms at your sides, with your hands on your hips, and with your arms raised while flexing your chest muscles.
2. Look for any changes in contour, swelling, dimpling of skin, or appearance of the nipple. It is normal if your right and left breasts do not match exactly.
3. Using the pads of your fingers, press firmly on your breast, checking the entire breast and armpit area. Move around your breast in a circular, up-and-down, or wedge pattern. Remember to use the same method every month. Check both breasts.

4. There are three patterns you can use to examine your breast: the circular, the up-and-down, and the wedge patterns. Use the pattern that is easiest for you, and use the same pattern every month.

5. Gently squeeze the nipple of each breast and report any discharge to your doctor immediately.

6. Examine both breasts lying down. To examine the right breast, place a pillow under your right shoulder and place your right hand behind your head. Using the pads of your fingers, press firmly, checking the entire breast and armpit area. Use the same pattern you used while standing. Repeat for your left breast.
Hope it helps. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m a-gonna give my boobs a bit of a fondle 😉
it is true that the more often u check your breast, the better u are at noticing changes. try doing that while taking a shower everyday. with soap and all, it shouldn’t be unpleasant 🙂
I’ve been reading your blog lately and I’m glad you posted this. I think Malaysian women, especially the younger generation need to be more aware of women’s health issues.
I think I learnt how to check this some many years back but never bother to do it…thx for the reminder…