There are so many types of foundation out there, aren’t they? Stick, powder, two-way cake and liquid. And each type branches out to many other types! For tips and tricks on choosing the right foundation for you, check out my blogger pal Paris’ blog (good one there, girl).
As for me, I’ve used the stick foundation, two-way cake and liquid foundation, and I have to say, my favourite is still the liquid foundation. Granted it’s not as hassle-free as using a two-way cake, what with me needing to use my fingers and sponge to blend it onto my skin and all, but it’s still my #1 choice. It gives my skin better coverage, and keep it tone-balanced. Dust it with a light layer of loose powder, and I’m ready to go.
For traveling purposes, I use the two-way cake. It’s less of a hassle, plus I don’t have to bring extra loose powder with me, y’see 😉
So ladies, what’s your choice?
[polldaddy poll=”105491″]
Err, what’s the difference between 2-way cake and loose powder??!
I wear loose and pressed mineral foundation, so I selected loose, since mineral foundation wasn’t an option.
Thanks for the mention! I use 2-way most of the time but am finally learning how to use liquid and mineral fdtn. Good poll btw I love the choice of “Foundation? what’s that” hehe…
me love liquid foundation too 😀
Pelf: Ahhh, come come, I tell you. HAHAHA.
2-way cake can be used as powder for light coverage, or wet for coverage. More versatile. Loose powder is, well, loose; think baby powder for the face :p
I use the two-way cake on its own (sometimes with a very very thin layer of foundation), and use the loose powder on foundation to set it.
Alli: I’m just about to try the mineral foundation I bought; will review that when I do 😉
Paris: No worries :p Hehehe, you’d be surprised, a lot of people still have no idea what that is :p
Prettybeautiful: Yay, kindred spirit. Tee hee hee!
I use Becca foundation. 🙂 I love it.