Calling all geek chicks!

Whaddya think? Reckon you’ll go out with binary-numbered nail designs?
Initially I thought, woah, very over-the-top, but after a while, I began to appreciate the uniqueness (and complexity) of the design. Hmm … I might just get this during my next manicure 😉
Source: Geeksugar
I think it’s hilarious. Am I nerdy enough to put binary code on my nails?
certainly different and would be a talking point for others , personally don’t think I would go for this , although for those who want different than the regular nail the binary code is the one. sharon
I don’t think the design is for me, but it would be the beginning of a conversation.
man i love this! it’s so cool! imagine black nails with green 101010101, will be like matrix 😀
lol, I think it would take a particular type of person to care this off…but what a cool look!
Christine: Hehehe, yeah, tell me about it. The more I see it, the more I likey 😉
Sharon: I know what you mean. It certainly isn’t for everyone. Sure beats the regular manis you get though, tee hee hee!
Luvdalia: “Oh my, what happened to your nails??!!” :p
Prettybeautiful: Hahahahaha, I never thought of the Matrix, but yeah, that’d be interesting :p
Sheena: Hehehe, yep, the Matrix! :p
It’s totally awesome!
Great idea and job 🙂
Awesome, I’d try the matrix version any time!!! XD
I don’t know if anyone else realizes this, but the numbers are actually the persons name in binary code.
mainu taah nahi pasand aye!!!!!!
tell me how…
It says ‘sILVER.’ in binary, i believe. I can’t decode the first character, but it’s value is 83, so i’m assuming its a lowercase s. the next 5 characters are ILVER, and the last character is apparently some type of punctuation, which is probably a period.
My bad. it says ‘SilverA’ I don’t get the ‘A’, but that’s what it says
me encantan tus uñas donde compras el material
quisiera ser como tu una maestra de las uñas
Hey, I’m a guy who was looking up binary code on google image search and noticed this here. Since this site is called BeautyholicsAnonymous. I thought I would let you ladies in on something.
I don’t understand what the fascination is with you females and what I like to refer to as (excuse me for this) *whore* fingernails. Yeah, that’s right. I said it.
Neither myself or anyone I have ever discussed this with enjoys them.
Even women who don’t normally wear those nasty things everyday (like a lot of women do) will look for any excuse to get them or “special occasions” i.e. dances, taking pictures, big dates etc. Seriously ladies, it’s gross. Just give it up.
I mean think about it for a second. Do you really think men want a bunch of sharp chinese plastic and glue touching their penor? No. Don’t even get me started about all the germs hiding under those things. Just keep em’ neat and clean ladies. That’s all we want. Painting your nails isn’t always gross. But two inch long fluorescent orange nails with birds airbrushed on there w/rhinestones? “Please don’t touch my food ma’am” I may sound like a jerk. But you ladies need to know.
If said women took the time and money that is used for fake fingernails and applied it somewhere else. They would look a lot better.
Another big thing is hair. The ideal type of hair men are looking for would look as though it feels nice to the touch. The thing to do is to concentrate more on how you wash your hair and use fewer products on it afterwords. Remember: it needs to look as though the man wants to put his face in it and take a sniff. Not something that is gonna make his pillow greasy. Damn.
Remember: If you want to know what men like, ask a man.
Damn that felt good. I apologize. ladies
Oh wow. You not only made the rather ballsy assumption that the only reason why women paint their nails is to please you (surprise! I like my nails painted because its a way of expressing myself, and because it pleases me to do so) you refer to them as “whore” fingernails? A woman’s a whore because she likes expressive nail polish? You didn’t think before you posted this did you? How many whores wear binary code on their nails?
I would love to have this manicure
This message is to the guy who keeps saying ladies.
Now buddy this may sound offensive but we ‘ladies’ dont need tips especially from a man! You made me want to ripp my nails off before I realised that it doesnt matter as long as i like it. My hair is just perfect.
Dont take this seriously!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm ,, cool nails
there is the beauty of a women
wow what kinda jerk anon must be thinking ‘ladies’ do everything they do to please him! pig!
As it happens, it was my guy who who suggested I get my nails professionally done – seems he was impressed by how nice the professionally done nails of some of the women he works with looked. He also appreciates a good backscratch, haha!
I rather doubt this is a common male sentiment. Never heard any other guys complain.
Wow. Jerk, anon. Seriously, do you think all girls do things like that to please you? Men? I’d rather have professional nails than chewed up or just short, boring nails. Please define what the hell “gross” is supposed to mean. Gross as in, it looks gross cuz you’ve got color on your nails? Like that? Well then you obviously haven’t seen any nice-lookin nails. Just saying.
lol I am the guy who did those nails the binary was supposed to spell out her name silverAJ, did this set back in 2005 the next i set i did after this was the apple logo she was an apple geek but the binary were the best looking apple logo was too faan boy lol.
How did you do them? I want them, but I doubt that I’m anywhere near you….
to the men out here let me tell yall something all women dont wear false nail and yall need to keep yall mouth shut calling nails whore nails and talking about some bodys hair please keep yall hair up because yall hair is greesy to so dont even talk.
Anon, we ladies dont do these stuff to impress the men. We do it because we love it. If you’re bothered by it so much, poke your eyes out.
Hey. I’m a girl who was looking up binary code on google image search and noticed this here. Since I saw your post Anon I though I would let you gentleman in on something.
I don’t understand what the fascination is with you men and what I like to refer to as (don’t excuse me for this) *ignorance* Yeah, that’s right I said it.
Neither myself nor anyone of these ladies enjoy it. (Question: Who do you discuss nails with anyway?)
Even men who don’t normally act that way everyday (like a lot of men do) will look for any excuse to i.e. hanging with the guys, being drunk, trying to act manly and failing ect. Seriously gentlemen, it annoying. Just give it up.
I mean think about it for a second. Do you really think women want to listen to a guy who has no knowledge of makeup and touch his penor. No. Don’t even get me started about all the stupid post I’ve seen on other sites. Just learn your facts or shut up gentlemen. That’s all we want. Not knowing isn’t always bad, but believing that women do their nails, hair, and makeup for men and then giving advice when you clearly have never seen a good nail job. “Please don’t advise me Sir” I may sound like a bitch,
but you men need to know.
If said men took the time and brainpower used for giving advice when you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and applied it somewhere else, they would be a lot less hated.
Another big thing is your ego. The ideal type of ego women are looking for would seem to be nonexistent. The thing to do is to concentrate more on how you please your woman and use fewer words after. Remember: it needs to look as though the woman is happy and the man isn’t holding her back. Not something out of the 30’s. Damn.
Remember: If women want you to speak, they will ask you.
Damn that felt empowering. I don’t apologize, gentlemen.
Real review now!
I love these. I would wear them in a ton of color combinations!
I think that the nails are pretty cool. Personally not something that I would go for just because it is not really my style but I still think it could look amazingly cool on some one with just the right personality for it! ttyl!
I really like this design, someone who is into computers will truly appreciate it. I also agree that with this design there are endless possibilities so anyone could put their own colors and make it more “them”
Also, on all the comments that were made on the guy’s comment, I think nobody took the time to really read and understand where he was coming from. He referred to the website beautyholicsanonymous, now although its a great name to the norm person you would think it was a website where people helped one another with their addiction to beauty. So, I think he was just trying to help the ladies that believe they need to spend all this money on stuff to make you beautiful when in reality you don’t have to. But, I agree with the ladies that men think we do it for them but really women just like to be able to look in the mirror and be like dang I look good. And him referring to them as “whore” nails, men come up with all kinds of stuff to call us women and what we do so I’m not too shocked that they even came up with a word for our cute lil nails we do. But men we will let you love your football, beer, video games, and all the other stuff you guys go gaga over but you got to let us love all the things us women love!!
OMG the uniqness of the nails is fabulous! i luv the colors! 🙂
I think that its cool