Ah, another poll of the week, and I don’t know about you, but this one isn’t easy for me. Which makeup item can you NOT do without?

Golly, this is a toughie. I’d definitely say I need ’em all. Okay okay, if I really have to choose only one, then I’d say I can’t do without my lip stick/lip gloss. Lip colour does make a difference on a pasty, washed-out face. Incidentally, that was the very first makeup item I wore when I went to college. Next would be foundation, as it evens out my blotchy skin. Fresh-out-of-the-shower face is meant for bed :p
What say you?
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i cant live without my tinted lipbalm. Total lifesaver for my dry lips
True coz I also find it hard to survive by bitting a dried and peeled off lips all the time.
Very easy for me. It’s blusher. I haven’t worn any for many years now. Actually eyeliner too. My makeup routine is too simple.
haha me loves foundation. something about lipgloss that annoys is having to apply it constantly to keep the shine. geez