IKEA’s 2008 catalogue is out!

Not very beauty-related for today, but if you’re an IKEA fan like me, you might wanna check out their latest catalogue. I’m still only at page 52. Lots more to go.
I’m a major fan of IKEA, and it sucks that there isn’t an IKEA in Penang. I reckon my new place will be done up with loads of IKEA stuff; it’ll look like a page from the catalogue!
I’ll be heading to KL in a few weeks, and I’ll definitely be dropping by the place. Who knows what small (can’t lug home the furnitures. Shucks) goodies I’ll be able to scour?
PS: Oooh, and do check out Ikea Hacker while you’re at it. Great site about sprucing your place with IKEA stuff :p
Ahhh the Ikea catalog! I just ordered mine a few days ago. I live in Vegas, and drove 300 miles last week to go to the Ikea in LA. Then I got home and realized I wasn’t happy with everything, so now I want to drive back next weekend to do exchanges!
Jeni: Hi hi, thanks for dropping by 🙂
Hehehe, OMG, that sounds just like me. I live in Penang, which is about 400km from KL. When I flew to KL once to visit my cousin, I went to IKEA, and came home with 3 lamps, and other knick-knacks. Had to pack an extra box for ’em :p