The September issue of Allure has done Britters up so good, you won’t even be able to recognise her. I mean, gosh, compare that cover and what she is now, how much airbrushing do you reckon those fellas did on her? For those of you who do not know what a mess Britney’s become (oh my, where have you been??), check out TMZ or Pink Is The New Blog, where her cousin/best-friend/parasite Alli Sims have just been served papers by her ex-husband K-Fed to gain custody of the kids. Ooh, this is gonna be interesting (I’m such a tabloid whore. Tsk tsk tsk).
Anyhoos, back to the subject. Airbrushing. This time, on yourself. What’s your take on that?
Have you ever had your portraits professionally taken? If not at the studio, then the ones offered by makeup brands like Estee Lauder and Shiseido at departmental stores? I have. I’ve actually sat next to a Photoshopper “cleaning” up my face digitally. Seriously, it’s like I didn’t need to have makeup on, I’d STILL look good. I remembered getting my portrait taken at one of the promotions by Kanebo, and they photoshopped me so much, that I wasn’t even me anymore. I mean, hell yeah, I was GORGEOUS (tee hee hee!), but it just wasn’t me. During one of my photography sessions, they actually *horror of horrors* removed my beauty mark!! I was absolutely livid, and insisted that they photoshop it back.
So ladies, any experience with thoroughly airbrushed makeover shots like this?
i’m not sure how much my bridal pictures were airbrushed cos i thought i still looked like myself.
but we did tell them not to photoshop so much, cos we need our friends to know it’s us in there. heh!
Leisha: I have a feeling mine will be quite heavily photoshopped to remove my *gulp* double chin, and awful eyebags 🙁
But I’m definitely telling them to keep my moles!! :p
hello! 😉 i am at work currently, hence i don’t have very much time to write… nonetheless! I truly liked reading through your article. It turned out to be a bunch of excellent stuff. thanks! All the best, Resan