Do you remember the particular issue of GQ (February 2003), where they photoshopped Kate Winslet to have weirdly disproportional long legs? She definitely spoke out against it, and is still adamantly fighting against the airbrush.
I’ve read girly magazines since I was 11 years old. The cover girls and models of the magazine whom I dreamt of becoming, were, more often than not, just like you and I (okay, maybe they’re more stick-thin than you and I, but that does not a perfect skin make). They too have imperfections, which were manipulated and “deleted” by the power of the airbrush. Makes you wonder what you were (and are) idolising, huh?
Do check out this site, iWANEX STUDIO, who offers professional photo retouching services. You can check out their portfolio, and see the clients whom they “made perfect” (just click on each thumbnail, and when the image pops up, hover your mouse over it to see how they look before retouching).
To airbrush or not to airbrush? Would you still buy a magazine whose models are un-photoshopped whereby you can see every flaw in their face and body? To what extend should the airbrush go?
Source: Catwalk Queen
Without photoshopping, or touching up there would be no idols and ideals. BUT taking it too far is certainly not healthy. As it is, its hard to find clothes where the M and L sizes aren’t made for dolls. Imagine what we are telling the younger generation.
kelly looks like one of those bobble head dolls!
Come on people!! She is not Fat!! Kelly Clarkson is NOT FAT??? OKAY!!! She is curvy, and beautiful, and most important she is REAL!!! Just because she isnt a Fashion DIVA, the media wants to talk crap?? Come on, GET A LIFE.. I love that she doesnt care what you sterotypical no live people have to say!! I really do not understand the Media. The media Seems to Always blow things out of proportion, and i am really getting tired of the media seemingly try to hurt Kelly Clarkson image. I mean so she has been going through a little rough patch, but to be comparing her to people who have been in rehab?? Come on People You are crazy!!! Kelly Clarkson has one of the best voices in the world and everyone knows that. Now she is getting negative publicity, the news, the radio, articles, blogs all seem to want to bring her down and that is just so not right!!! Kelly Clarkson will be around for a long time!! She has an amazing voice, and has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that she can sing anything! It is really sad that the media wants to try to rip her to pieces, being that she is one of the sweetest, most real muscians out there! People come on, she wants to take a stand a write and sing music that comes from her, that she can feel, not some hand me downs from other artist. So she has had artistic disagreements with her lable, and she recently has decided to end things with her management team, which the famous “Firm” was on rocky grounds anyways!!! Also how dare people say shes ungrateful or a monster, come on, have you seen her be interviewed? She is the most humble artist out there. The bottom line is that the media is making a really big deal about all the most negative publicity, because thats as much as they have been able to get out of her in the past 5 years, so they are using every ounce of information they recieve to use against her. COME ON PEOPLE WAKE UP!! KELLY CLARKSON IS THE REAL THING!!! Clive Davis Knows, Simon Cowell knows, Heck THE WORLD KNOWS, so Just leave Kelly Clarkson alone, and let her do what she loves and what she does best, and that is SING!!!
Chicago’s #1 Kelly Clarkson Fan
Philip Leodoro
i want to know where I can do that??? i have a entry on my blog about photo shopping too…i’ll add the link and then you will see that everything out there is just a trick of the eye!
Paris: I agree. Not only that, methinks all the magazines around the world will “chap lap” :p Still, I think as time goes by, when natural beauty becomes a thing of the past and the younger generation having a misconception of what beauty really is, that’s going to a very big problem.
Simon: Err … okay 😛
Phillip: Woah, Nelly! There ya go, a true fan of Kelly Clarkson :p I think she looks hawt anyway. Curvy is so my thang 😉
Taylor Blue: I shall have to check out that video. From your comments, golly, I reckon it’s going to be shocking! 😛
To be completely honest. I would buy a magazine with un-airbrushed models in it.
Im a bigger girl and it runs in my family so no matter how hard i try ill always have a bum, hips and thighs, its just in my genetics. So seeing all these airbrushed models with perfect skin and no scars or celulite, its kinda depressing. If they made a magazine showcasing un airbrushed models, but they still look beautiful, i think it would raise confidence in many young girls (and older ones) and even stop this unhealthy need to be a size 0. They need to show real women, show that despite all the flaws you can be beautiful. They need to show celebs with thier flaws. Show all these teeny boppers that you dont need to have perfect skin and a size 0 body to be sexy. To be accepted.
she looks weird..