Conveniences stores (konbini) in Japan really live up to its name – they really ARE convenient. You can get almost anything there (well, stuff used in case of emergencies, I mean; you obviously can’t get yer pots and pans there) e.g. toiletries of all kinds in case you’re stuck at a particular town/city, missed the last train home, and have to put up a night nearby. Oh, and you can also get a full range of makeup.

Shiseido came up with a konbini range, just to be sold at convenience stores – Kesho Wakusei. The makeup and toiletries such as facial wash, toner, moisturiser, etc are sold in small containers, making it more convenient for the Japanese to carry ’em around. Facial wash, toner and moisturiser (and sometimes even a mask) are sold in a plastic case, giving the the women of today the full 3-step skincare routine. These skincare sets are 1000yen a piece.

I do not know the quality of the makeup range, but I reckon it can’t be bad, since it’s from Shiseido. I only bought a lipstick from the range. It was quite good; the lipstick glides quite nicely on the lips. I wanted to try more, but due to language problems (I was asked a lot of questions when I only bought ONE lipstick! And all the time, I had no friggin’ idea what the cashier was going on and on about), I stuck only to one lipstick.

The lipstick which I bought is shown in the final picture. It’s quite cool; it looks like a pen, and you swivel the bottom for the lipstick to show.
All in all, it’s quite an interesting concept which appeals to the working ladies of Japan. Too bad we don’t have it here. Maybe someone should introduce a makeup and skincare range for our 7-Elevens and D-Limas :p
Another popular konbini brand is DHC, but I’ll leave that to another day.
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aiyoh so kawaii!!! I want! Actually I’d have just grabbed them all and to hell with what they are saying LOL… I got my colleague to do that and he was a guy! :O
wow thats sounds interesting.
^^ this is also interesting
Paris: Yeah, kawaii indeed :p Next time, I will definitely grab ’em all. Last time takut mah :p
Ooh..I didn’t notice them when I was in Japan! *smacks mself on forehead* ..I need to go back…..
Hey, I went to Japan for two weeks and I bought some of that Sheseido product – a night essense and a 3 step pack. It was dirt cheap and is better than a lot of the products in Australian pharmaceutical stores. Pretty cool. Just a shame that I didn’t buy more.
I bought the "treatment enamel remover" for nails and it is the best I ever had! 480JPY for 95ml.
My friend also bought some other products and they were all the greatest one could find at such a price! <3 <3 <3